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من جوجل

ال Code الموجود في الدرس

من جوجل

تعليق واحد

  • Level 3


    In CSS, padding is a property that is used to add space around the content inside an element. It provides clearance between the content of the element and its border. Padding is specified using various units such as pixels, ems, percentages, etc.
    (Padding: top, right, bottom and left)

    In CSS, when you specify padding using the padding property, you can use various units to define the amount of space. Here are some commonly used units:

    Pixels (px):
    This is a fixed unit of measurement.
    Example: padding: 10px; means 10 pixels of padding.

    Percentage (%):
    The percentage is relative to the width of the containing element.
    Example: padding: 5%; means 5% of the width of the containing element as padding.

    Ems (em):
    Relative to the font-size of the element.
    Example: padding: 1em; means the padding will be equal to the font-size of the element.

    Rems (rem):
    Similar to em but relative to the root element’s font-size.
    Example: padding: 2rem; means the padding will be twice the root element’s font-size.

    Viewport Width (vw) and Viewport Height (vh):
    Relative to the viewport width or height.
    Example: padding: 10vw; means the padding will be 10% of the viewport width.

    Viewport Min (vmin) and Viewport Max (vmax):
    Relative to the smaller or larger dimension of the viewport.
    Example: padding: 5vmin; means the padding will be 5% of the smaller of the viewport’s height or width.

    Using different units provides flexibility in designing layouts that are responsive to various screen sizes and devices. It’s important to choose the appropriate unit based on the context and design requirements of your webpage.

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